Top 5 Threats to the Air Quality in Your Office
#5 Air Fresheners: Although many office spaces are not constructed to allow in a constant flow of fresh outdoor air, covering up the smell of stale office air with air fresheners is not the solution. Air fresheners contain toxic chemicals that could pose a serious risk to your health. There is no governmental regulation over the… Read More
60 Minutes Exposes Excessive Formaldehyde Levels in Flooring Products
The only way to ensure that your home has safe levels of toxins that are not harming your family, is to have an air quality test completed in your home. Advantage Home and Environment Inspections can quickly perform on of these tests for you. They get back the resutls in two days or sooner.
Join Sam Wood at his Next Speaking
Engagement In Nashville Tennessee
We are setting the stage for a fantastic conference. We are looking forward to this large gathering at InspectionWorld Nashville – the biggest professional development opportunity of the year for home inspectors.